
BabyBio IEX Screening Kit

BabyBio™ IEX Screening Kit includes four different ready-to-use 1 ml ion exchange chromatography columns for easy and convenient optimization and purification of proteins, peptides and oligonucleotides, by utilizing the difference in these molecules surface charge. The included columns in this kit are BabyBio S (strong cation exchanger), BabyBio Q (strong anion exchanger), BabyBio DEAE (weak anion exchanger) and BabyBio TREN (multimodal anion exchanger). 

The columns are prepacked respectively with WorkBeads™ 40S, WorkBeads 40Q, WorkBeads 40 DEAE and WorkBeads 40 TREN resins. 


  • Prepacked ready-to-use columns for fast screening of four different IEX resins 
  • Easy screening for optimal running conditions
  • High binding capacity even at high flow rates
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BabyBio IEX Screening Kit 1 ml × 4

BabyBio IEX Screening Kit 1 ml × 4